Biggest Mango In India

Biggest Mango In India: Friends, in the last article we talked about the most expensive mango in the world but today we will discuss which is the biggest mango in India according to the weight and size of the mango and have you ever tasted this mango? We will get complete information about what is the market price of this mango through today’s article.

Recently, a mango fair was organized in Madhya Pradesh where the mango became the center of attraction. This mango is famous as the largest mango in India and the taste of this mango is also loved by people. Friends, this mango is different from other mangoes, so let’s know more about India’s biggest mango.

What is the name of India’s largest mango?

Friends Curry fairs were celebrated in the city of Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh. Where various types of mangoes were exhibited and people showcased the famous mangoes of their area, their taste and price. At that time, a different attraction was seen in this fair towards India’s largest mango. This mango is known as Noorjahan mango and is famous as the heaviest mango in India.

Friends, the biggest mango in India is a special type of mango and weighs between two and four kilos. Which is much more than other mangoes seen in India. Talking about the market price of this mango, its price is said to be 1200 to 1400 rupees. Which can be very difficult for the common man to buy. But you also need to taste this mango once.

History of Noorjahan Carey

Friends The history of Noorjahan Mango is 200 years old. This mango was first cultivated in the country of Afghanistan. Then from AD 1500 to 1650 this mango was brought to India and named after Mallika Nurjahan as she loved this mango very much. At present only three to five plants of this mango are found in India so its market price is very high.

So friends today through this article we got the information about the heaviest and biggest mango in India. If you haven’t tasted this mango yet then it’s a must try and if you want to know more about other varieties of mangoes then please let us know by commenting.

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