Ram Navami 2024: Surya Tilak will be done for 4 minutes on Ram Navami

Ram Navami 2024: Ramlala was celebrated earlier this year in January. This temple has many special things that attract everyone to the temple. Apart from this, the darshan of Lord Rama is also of special importance, but do you know that the day of Ram Navami is very special for this temple, one of the reasons for which is the Surya Tilak done in the temple. In such a situation let us know what is Surya Tilak and when and at what time Ramlala will be Surya Tilak.

When will Surya Tilak of Ramla happen?

According to mythology, Lord Sri Rama was Suryavanshi, hence the tradition of applying Surya Tilak to him. In the newly constructed Ram temple in Ayodhya, such an arrangement has been prepared, in which sunlight will shine like a tilak on the forehead of the idol of Ramlala seated in the sanctum sanctorum.

On the occasion of Ramnavami, the sun’s rays will fall on Ramlala’s forehead. Which is called Surya Tilak. In fact, while building a temple, a special mirror or lens has been used for the Surya Tilak

At what time will the sun’s rays fall on the forehead of Ramlala?

The Ram Mandir is designed in such a way that on every Ram Navami the sun’s rays apply tilak on the idol of Ramlala. On the day of Ram Navami, at 12 noon, the rays of the sun will apply tilak on Ramlala’s head. These rays will stay on Ramlala’s brain for about 4 minutes.

According to a scientist working on the construction of the temple, every year on the day of Ram Navami, Tilak will be applied on the forehead of the idol of Ramlala with the rays of the sun. According to him, for this, the sun’s rays will reach the Ramlala idol from the third floor of the Ram temple through piping and an opto-mechanical system. However, Surya Tilak is also seen every year in the Koba Jain temple of Gujarat.

What is the significance behind anointing with sun rays?

Lord Sri Ram was Suryavanshi. In such a situation, during the construction of the Ram temple, it should be arranged scientifically that on the day of Ramnavami, the sun’s rays fall directly on the idol of Ramlala as if they were anointing him. For this scientific method, scientists at the Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee have created a unique system using a length of mirror and brass, through which the sun’s rays fall on Ram Lalla’s forehead at 12:00 PM without using any batteries or electricity.  

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