Best Home Remedies For Acidity

Best Home Remedies For Acidity: Nowadays almost all people suffer from acidity problem now and then. Acidity is a common problem related to the digestive system, excess bile in the stomach due to excess pungent, oily and spicy food causes acidity and we face problems like heartburn and sour belching.

Best Home Remedies For Acidity

When our stomach is full of bile, it mixes with food and ferments, and it tries to get out. This causes irritation in the chest, throat, and stomach. One experiences dizziness and sour or bitter vomiting. This problem usually increases after two or three hours after eating, in the middle of the night or in the morning. When this happens one or two fasts should be done. After that for six-seven days only milk-pauna, kheer, rotli and milk should be taken. These are the other remedies for Home Remedies For Acidity

Our stomach contains hydrochloric acid pepsin, which plays an important role in digesting food in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid breaks down food into small pieces and prevents diseases caused by foreign bacteria. Our stomach lining adapts to such acid, so it does not harm our stomach. But if the acidity is frequent, it can also result in gastro esophageal disease (GERD-Gastro Oesophageal Disease).

Acidity never occurs on an empty stomach. Acidity is caused by excessive or continuous consumption of highly oily, spicy, salty, sour, bitter juicy foods. Here are some home remedies for acidity.

Home Remedies For Acidity: Hyper-acidity is known as amlapitta in Ayurveda. In common parlance acidity is also known as pitta. Eating too much spicy, hot and spiced food causes acidity in a person. In Ayurveda, disease is caused by the imbalance of all these doshas. Increase or decrease of any dosha causes the doshas to become imbalanced and produce disease.

Cause of acidity

Home Remedies For Acidity: There are many causes of acidity, the main reasons being as follows-

  • Eat more spicy and oily food.
  • Eating food again without digesting previously eaten food.
  • Excessive consumption of acidic substances.
  • Inadequate sleep can also cause hyper-acidity.
  • Do not eat for a long time.
  • Excessive use of drugs like painkillers.
  • Acid reflux also occurs in pregnant women.
  • Consuming too much namak means salt.
    Excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs.
  • Eating too much and falling asleep soon after eating.
  • Smoking excessively.
  • Sometimes due to excessive tension / stress, food is not digested properly and acidity occurs.
  • Nowadays, farmers use many types of pesticides and fertilizers to grow crops, due to which all these toxic chemicals enter the body through food and cause stomach diseases.

How to prevent acidity? | Remedies to cure acidity

Home Remedies For Acidity: Problems like acidity usually occur due to irregular diet and lifestyle. For that, you can control the problem of acidity to some extent by making some changes in your routine and food.

  • Tomato may be sour but it increases the alkalinity in your body and regular consumption does not cause acidity.
  • One cup of pineapple juice should be consumed daily after meals.
  • Avoid oily and spicy foods as much as possible, and eat plain and less spicy foods.
  • Do not sleep immediately after eating every day. Have a meal about two hours before going to bed.
  • Make a habit of going for a walk after meals.
  • Make it a habit to drink 2-3 glasses of cold water regularly in the morning and then not eat anything for about an hour.
  • Outside junk food and food containing preservatives should not be eaten at all.
    Reduce the use of tea and coffee as much as possible.
  • Instead of eating large amounts of food at one time, eat small amounts 2 to 3 times a day.
  • In fruits, other sour fruits should be avoided except pomegranate and amla.
    Consume papaya for breakfast in the morning.
  • Do Yoga – Pranayama regularly.

What is acidity?

When your stomach is full of bile, it mixes with your food and ferments and tries to get out. Sour belching and burning sensation in the chest.

How to prevent acidity?

Apart from the above mentioned Ayurvedic remedies, acidity is relieved by taking care in food intake and maintaining a regular routine.

Is buttermilk good for acidity?

Home Remedies For Acidity: A glass of buttermilk mixed with black pepper and coriander helps in relieving the symptoms of acidity instantly. The lactic acid present in buttermilk provides relief from acidity in the stomach.

Today we have shown you some Home Remedies For Acidity. Hope you like this information. However, if any such problem is in excess, it is imperative that you consult your doctor. Home Remedies For Acidity These remedies will not harm you. But it is imperative to consult a doctor.

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