Ambalal Patel Weather Forecast

Ambalal Patel Weather Forecast: Premonsoon activity is likely to start in some parts of Gujarat from tomorrow. Meteorologist Ambalal Patel has predicted that between April 12 and 15 there is a possibility of rain with thunder and lightning. Premonsoon activity is likely to start in the afternoon. Heat will increase in parts of the state from April 16. The mercury is likely to touch 43 degrees in some parts of the state. Premonsoon activity will start again in the second week of May with heavy cyclonic circulation. Rohini Nakshatra rain is likely to occur in some parts of the state between May 24 and June 6. Around June 14, regular rains will begin in parts of South Gujarat in the state. Ambalal Patel has expressed the possibility of overall good monsoon in the state this year.

Ambalal Patel Weather Forecast

The heat has increased due to the increase in temperature in the states of the country including Delhi. Many parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu saw maximum temperatures between 40-43 degrees Celsius. Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Saurashtra, Kutch, Marathwada, East Rajasthan saw temperatures 2-4 degrees Celsius above normal at isolated places.

According to the Meteorological Department, Barmer recorded a maximum temperature of 42.4 degrees Celsius during the last 24 hours, the highest in North India. After this, Rajkot was the hottest place in Gujarat where the temperature was recorded at 41.7 degrees. Ahmedabad recorded a maximum temperature of 41.5 degrees Celsius, Bhuj and Gandhinagar 41.1 degrees Celsius, Rajasthan’s Jodhpur 41 and Jaisalmer 40.5 degrees Celsius. There is a possibility of extreme heat here today as well.

According to the Meteorological Department, rain and hail may occur in many states of the country during the next 48 hours. On April 13, hailstorm is likely at isolated places over Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and West Rajasthan. West Uttar Pradesh and East Rajasthan may experience rain and hail on April 14. East Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha have rain and hail alert on April 11 and 12.

The Meteorological Department said that on April 14, Jammu-Kashmir-Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh may experience heavy rain at isolated places. Apart from this, snowfall is also likely..

The temperature of Delhi is rising continuously. The maximum temperature in the national capital on Wednesday rose to 39.1 degrees Celsius, the highest temperature recorded in the city so far this year. The second highest maximum temperature was recorded on March 9 at 38 degrees Celsius, IMD data showed. According to the data, Delhi’s maximum temperature on Wednesday was four degrees higher than this season’s average, while the minimum temperature was recorded at 17 degrees Celsius.

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